Corporate Generosity
Why geoLocalSEO are ambassadors for Nourish the Children…
Prior to launching geoLocalSEO founders Ian and Lisa spent 3 months traveling through South-East Asia. We met families that had an income of less than $1 USD equivalent per month and were witness first hand to the effects that poverty has on a child’s nutrition.
The children in the far reaches of northern Vietnam work in their village rice paddies most days and on their day off they trek, often bare foot to the town in the hope that they will sell some home made jewelry to make money for their families.
In these poor regions the staple diet is rice, twice a day with a sprinkle of chilli and fish sauce. When a tourist comes for a home-stay they have an opportunity to eat meat and vegetables for the first time that month thanks to the generosity of the home-stay guests.
We choose to align with Nourish the Children because all of the money goes towards making a better future, a future with hope.
Things you should know about Nourish the Children:
- Each bag of Vitameal donated (approx $29 AUD) contains 30 balanced meals with amino acids, protein and fibre.
- The manufacturing, distribution and packaging of the meals are all conducted in the country of benefit meaning that you are helping to create jobs.
- The distribution of the meals is often done through the schools meaning that the attendance rates at schools is higher offering hope and education for the future.
Corporate Generosity
Each SEO program that is undertaken with geoLocalSEO comes with a monthly donation of one bag of Vitameal.
Clients can then choose to donate more than one bag or even continue with their donation well after our SEO has been completed.
All donations are managed through NuSkin Enterprises, a public company with 26 years in business so you can be assured that your donation is legitimate.
Personally, Ian and Lisa donate 5 bags of Vitameal per month in addition to the company donations meaning that hundreds of meals are distributed through our Ambassadorship each month.
Doing business with generosity…