Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing and Permission Marketing.
Inbound marketing is more than just keyword rankings. Our marketing approach is especially effective for SME’s that deal with high dollar values and long consumer research cycles.
- Step 1: Attract website traffic
- Step 2: Convert visitors to leads
- Step 3: Convert leads to sales
- Step 4: Convert customers into repeat higher margin customers
- Step 5: Rinse and repeat (analyse for continual improvement)
Customers conduct online research and contact the vendor closer to the moment of making a decision, in this way, customers become more informed on their own and sales teams are used more efficiently.
Permission marketing is synonymous with Inbound Marketing. Marketers obtain permission before advancing to the next step in the purchasing process. Permission marketing is a term popularized by Seth Godin (but found earlier) used in marketing in general and e-marketing specifically. The undesirable opposite of permission marketing is interruption marketing. Advertisements on television and radio are classified as ‘interruption marketing’ which interrupt the customer while they are doing something of their preference.
This form of marketing requires that the prospective customer has either given explicit permission for the marketer to send their promotional message (like an email or catalog request) or implicit permission (like querying a search engine). This can be either via an online email opt-in form or by using search engines, which implies a request for information which can include that of a commercial nature. To illustrate, consider someone who searches for “buy shoes.” Online shoe stores have searchers’ permission to make an offer that solves their shoe problem.
Marketers feel that this is a more efficient use of their resources because the offers are sent to people only if actually interested in the product.