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Local – Organic & Adwords

If you weren’t already aware of the importance of Google+ Local (aka Places) there here is a wake up call… This is what that result shows above the fold on a 1024×768 monitor: For those of you who missed the subtlety:   So, if you’re not doing a serious…

Are you being nagged into a Google+ Account?

Google is on a mission…   Their incredibly aggressive nagging to get you to get a G+ account is now a daily occurrence in your Google travels. So what is the agenda behind this persistent (and often lame) nagging? You could surmise that it is just another…

2012 SEO Predictions

2012 will be the year that geo-social search starts to all come together as one… 2011 saw a transformation of search results that defined the Local search environment that we are now very familiar with and 2012 will be the year that geo-social search starts to…